Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I've been a good girl!

Dear Santa,

Hello! It's me, Jennifer! I haven't written to you in years...I helped my daughter Annabelle write and mail hers last week, maybe you got it? And Mason sent his from school? Anyway, I was thinking, since you're going to be at my house *anyway,* maybe you could add me to your "nice" list? You see, I know there are some fabric lovers at the North Pole...because my children received blankets a few years ago from you that are their very favorites. We are positive that Mrs. Claus sewed them. And since she has such fine taste in fabric, I'm sure she is familiar with The Fat Quarter Shop and this beauty...

Sigh! Isn't this Quilt kit soooo beautiful? I have been swooning over it for weeks! And if that's too much, perhaps one of these instead?

I promise I've been a very good girl this year! I willl leave you an extra piece of fudge! Thanks Santa!

(If anyone's wondering why I'm writing this letter, this will explain all!)

♥ Jen


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